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- BPE - By-pass Eliminator™
- SPS - Static Pressure Switch
- SPAD Gen 3 – Static Pressure Adjustable Damper (EN)
- SPAD Gen 3 – Apagadores Ajustable de Presión Estática (ES)
- BPE24 - By-Pass Eliminator 24v
- RDM - Automatic Round Damper
- SPRD - Static Pressure Regulating Damper
- RTB - Round Take-off Bypass Damper
- ZDSM & ZDBM - with MDM Power Open/Power Close Motor
- ZPS - Zone Plenum Sensor
- T24 - 24v Transformer
- SPC - Static Pressure Control
- PIRR - Plug-In Replacement Relay
- MST - Motor Switch Terminal
- MSS - Spring Return Damper Motor Actuator
- MP12M - Plug-In Damper Motor Actuator
- MDM - Modulating Damper Motor
- AFC - Anti-Freeze Control
- 4PDR - 4 Pole Double Throw Relay
- SPS - Static Pressure Switch
- A2LR Adapter Relay
- MMP3 – Single Stage Zone Control Panel
- MMZ3 – Single Stage Zone Control Panel
- MZP4 – 4 Zone All-In-One Zone Control Panel
- MDPA – Adder Panel
- MDP3 – Universal Zone Control Panel
- H32P – Heat Pump, Dual Fuel & Conventional Zone Control Panel
- H32 – Heat Pump, Dual Fuel & Conventional Zone Control Panel
- MZA2 - 2 Zone Adder
- MMP2 - Plug-In-Play Single Stage Panel (2 Zones)
- MZS4 – 4 Zone All-In-One Control Panel
- MZS4 – 4 Zone All-In-One Control Panel
- RDM - Automatic Round Damper
- SPRD - Static Pressure Regulating Damper
- RTB - Round Take-off Bypass Damper
- ZDSM & ZDBM - with MDM Power Open/Power Close Motor
- ZDS & ZDB - Side mount or bottom mount
- RRM - Retro-Round Damper w/ MDM Motor
- RRP - Retro-Round Damper w/ Plug-in Motor
- RDS - Auto Round Damper w/ Spring Motor
- RDP - Auto Round Damper w/ Plug-in Motor
- RTM - Round Take-off w/ MDM Motor
- RTP - Round Take-off w/ Plug-in Motor
- RTS - Round Take-off w/ Spring Motor
- ZDSP & ZDBP - With MP12M Plug-in Motor
- OZD - Outlet Zone Damper
ZONEFIRST Warranty Policy
Table of Contents
When Installing Any ZoneFirst Product ...
Read instructions carefully. Failure to follow the instructions could damage the product or cause a hazardous condition. Ensure that the installer is a trained, experienced service technician. After completing installation, use these instructions to check product operation.
The Zone Dampers are installed typically near the furnace/air handler plenum and in the air duct takeoff to the zone. Always make sure the dampers are accessible for wiring, checkout, duct cleaning and replacement of damper or motor is ever needed.
Do not install dampers in heating systems where spray or atomizing type humidifiers are installed in the furnace plenum or air supply duct. Excessive lime or mineral deposits accumulate on damper blades and cause improper operation. For humidification, use evaporation type humidifiers or return air type humidifiers.
Installation Considerations
Install Zone Dampers (ZDS) or (ZDB) into a squared air duct. Frame misalignment may jam the damper blades. Do not weld dampers to air ducts.
ZoneFirst Warranty Policy
Updated on 18 Dec 2024